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(4) 3.5 x 5's Prints - $15.00
8 Wallets Prints - $15.00
(5) 4 x 6's - $30.00
(10) 4 x 6's - $50.00
16x24 - $10.00
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Jeffersontown Elite All-Stars Tournament
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10U \ Indiana Irish Vs Prospect Patriots
10U \ JTown All-Stars Vs. S. Ind. Storm
10U \ Lyndon Lightning vs Indiana Irish
10U \ Ohio Force Vs. River City Thunder
10U \ Oldham Co. Vipers Vs. River City Thunder
10U \ Rivercity Thunder Team Shot
10U \ S Indiana Storm Vs Louisville Mavericks
12U \ J Town Strike Vs Scott Cty All Stars
12U \ JTown All-Stars Vs. Phenom Swagger
12U \ JTown Strike Vs. St. Matthew All-Stars
12U \ Mason Storm Vs Jtown All Stars
12U \ OC Vipers Vs. Force
12U \ OC Vipers Vs. SW Lex Pony
12U \ Oldham Co. Vipers Vs. SW Lex Bombers
12U \ St Mathews Vs Scott Cty
12U \ Sw Lex Bombers Vs Jas Cardinals
12U \ SW Lex Pony Vs. Lyndon Thunder
12U \ Vipers vs Lyndon Thunder
13U \ ELS Bats Vs Indiana Irish
13U \ Indiana Bandits Vs ELS Bats
13U \ Indiana Irish Vs. Indiana Bandits
13U \ JTown All-Stars Vs. Louisville Extreme
13U \ Louisville Extreme vs Louisville Bulls
13U \ Louiville Bulls Vs. JTown All-Stars
13U \ SW Lex Pony Vs OC Vipers
7U \ E Town All Stars vs J Town All Stars
7U \ JTown All-Stars Vs. ELS Sluggers
7U \ Max Power vs Blue Lick
7U \ Mt. Washington All-Stars Vs. River City Thunder
7U \ River City Thunder vs Max Power
9U \ ELSBats vs JTown All Stars
9U \ Indiana Irish vs Prospect Patriots
9U \ J Town All Stars vs Louisville Monarchs
9U \ OC Vipers vs Prospect Patriots
9U \ OC Vipers vs PV All Stars
9U \ Prospect Patriots 8's Vs. Lyndon Lightning
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